I hope 2020 will be YOUR year. 🙂
I started mine with the publication of Le Codex de Paris in French.
It’s the first novel in a new series and a new universe, and the first time I write from a guy’s point of view. (A 7 centuries old, loner kind of guy, but still.)

As you can guess, I’m quite on edge about it. The book went live on January 10th (2 days ago as I write this). It didn’t sell that well, but the reactions from those few readers are quite positive. I guess we’ll see how it goes.
On the English-speaking front, I knew I had to rewrite the blurb for my first in series, Magical Secrets. I had great advice on a dedicated FB group, but couldn’t bring myself to do the work. (in my defense, I was finishing writing Le Codex.) Well, Brian Meeks did it for me last night, and I am beyond happy with my new blurb.
Here is the original one:
« A fast-paced mystery urban fantasy
Would you keep running, or would you risk it all?
Erica St. Gilles came to Las Vegas with a dark past, lots of (stolen) money, and an antique sword.
She used the money to open an exclusive night-club for the supernatural community.
She wanted a safe haven for herself.
Her team? A bear with a big heart, a harpy who dyes her feathers, a vegan vampire, a troll-geeky around the edges.
Erica uses her club as a hiding spot, her team as bodyguards, and her sword as a security blanket. A sharp security blanket. Her sadistic ex still scares her that much.
She hates what she’s become.
But when a mysterious killer goes after her team, Erica must choose between fear and friendship.
Will Erica find her courage in time to save her team-and her self-respect?
Read now and find out!
Fans of Patricia Briggs, Faith Hunter, or Ilona Andrews will love this first book in a new urban fantasy series.
Start turning the pages! »
And the new, improved text:
« You won’t find it on The Strip…
…or along Freemont Street.
If you’re human, you won’t find it at all.
Club 66 is for Supernaturals. Tucked away in a Las Vegas industrial neighborhood, Erica knew it was the perfect spot to open the place she’d always dreamed of building.
It was the fresh start she needed.
Would she finally feel safe from her dark past?
Her team? A bear with a big heart, a harpy who dyes her feathers, a vegan vampire, a troll-geeky around the edges. They’ll run the place and keep her protected.
She didn’t count on the killer targeting her team.
Now, she must make a choice, fight or flee.
You’ll love this urban fantasy, because Erica is a strong female on a quest for courage. This isn’t your typical paranormal story.
Get it now. »
I love that part: « If you’re human, you won’t find it at all. »
Who doesn’t want to access a secret, magical, and exclusive night-club?
Right now, I’m in the process of translating book #4 in that series, aka Magical Storm. The translation itself should be done by the end of the month, then it will go to the editor. And as soon as this translation is done, I will get started on plotting books #5 and #6. That should keep me busy until early May.
You know what? I really love my job!
Bonne année !
J’espère que 2020 sera VOTRE année. 🙂
J’ai commencé la mienne avec la publication du Codex de Paris en français.
C’est le premier roman d’une nouvelle série et d’un nouvel univers, et la première fois que j’écris d’un point de vue masculin. (Un mec solitaire, vieux de 7 siècles, mais quand même).
Comme vous pouvez le deviner, je suis sur les nerfs. Le livre a été mis en ligne le 10 janvier (il y a 2 jours quand j’écris ces lignes). Il ne s’est pas si bien vendu, mais les réactions de ces quelques lecteurs sont très positives. On verra comment ça évolue.
Côté anglophone, je savais que je devais réécrire le blurb pour Magical Secrets, le premier de la série Clubb 66. J’ai reçu d’excellents conseils sur un groupe FB dédié, mais je n’ai pas pu me résoudre à faire le travail. (Pour ma défense, je finissais d’écrire Le Codex à ce moment-là.) Eh bien, Brian Meeks l’a fait pour moi hier soir, et je suis plus qu’heureux de mon nouveau blurb.
(Si vous voulez le lire, reportez-vous à la partie en anglais de ce post.)
En ce moment, je suis en train de traduire le livre n°4 de cette série, alias Tempête Magique. La traduction elle-même devrait être terminée d’ici la fin du mois, puis elle ira chez la correctrice. Et dès que cette traduction sera terminée, je commencerai à préparer les livres n°5 et n°6. Cela devrait me tenir occupée jusqu’au début du mois de mai.
Quand j’y pense, je me dis que j’aime vraiment mon travail !